Why is AngularJS the First Choice for Mobile App Development?

When you see that a bunch of people are talking on Twitter about AngularJS and so you get excited because you see that they’re just like you! But you know not everyone is as skilled as you!! AngularJS is a wide subject and today we will make this wide subject an interesting journey for all of you.

Today there are dozens of technologies and mobile app programming languages. Despite this, app developers still face the problem of broken and interrupted links. It is essential to choose technology that suits your needs and can be used easily by both developers and users. AngularJS has made it possible to get rid of sitting in front of computers searching for the perfect solution.

AngularJS app development is a breeze for app developers. They no longer have to look for the code they need to reach their goals. AngularJS is a Javascript-based framework. However, the latest version of AngularJS uses Typescript, a typed subset of Javascript. It is the predecessor to Angular.

It is important, however, to understand what AngularJS can do and how it has changed the way mobile apps are developed before discussing its importance.

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS, one of the most popular frameworks, is ideal for building robust, single-page web apps such as Netflix or PayPal. AngularJS is a flexible and dynamic JavaScript system widely known for creating dynamic single-page applications (SPA), web applications, & cross-stage versatile apps.

Also, Angular underwent several updates over the course of a long period and developed a wonderful system to rebuild JavaScript code. Angular is an open source software platform. It provides an API – primarily created by Google and a team of individuals and businesses to address many of the issues associated with creating SPAs. Forbes and Upwork use Angular to confirm its legitimacy & reputation.

Here we have the top stat for AngularJS usage in the last 10 years.


Here are some of the features that AngularJS Development Services offer developers:

  • First of all, it has a few guidelines to help you consolidate your information into HTML.
  • Thereafter, the unit testing element is ready.
  • AngularJS makes it possible to modify J-inquiry DOM libraries.
  • It allows you to deliver HTML & regulators.

AngularJS: When to Use?

  • Firstly, you must focus on the broad scope, value, and scale of the rich application product design in terms of features & essential functionalities.
  • Secondly, when the complexity of the app in terms of input package and usage is Low to Medium.
  • C# & earlier versions of Angular are easier for Angular developers who have a good knowledge of Java characteristics.
  • If your projects call for ready-to-use Angular Mobile solutions, validation will help you increase productivity, availability, speed up decisions, and make better business decisions.
  • Lastly, you need to develop an enterprise-level software application that will be supported and maintained over time.

Why is AngularJS the Best for Application Development?

Before developing Mobile Apps via AngularJS, it is advisable to seek assistance from a top AngularJS Development Company in USA, India & around. With their expertise, your app development will become a successful idea.

1. Renewed RxJS

RxJS was not a core feature of Angular. It is used by Angular developers because of its properties such as Subjects and Observables. Version 6 of Angular 6, RxJS is now available. There are some bug fixes in this release, as well as more support for responsive web programming.

2. Code Reusability & Consistency

Developers can use the Angular technology features to get access to a well-documented, reusable structure. This allows code flexibility, unique libraries and consistency for different use cases.

Further, code consistency is essential. Angular’s CLI permits Angular developers to run test scripts, create projects, & add numerous features. They can also re-use these features as needed. Angular’s developer community is very familiar with its style and functionality. It can improve inline features, reduce dependency barriers, & decrease confusions.

3. Usability & Modularity

You can use modular architecture for certain technologies. This improves productivity and does not compromise on output. Angular has a unique role in creating powerful apps with amazing architecture, fantastic functionalities, flexibility, and great functionality.  Thus,  Angular’s modularity makes it easy to add value to an app over time & integrate features.

4. Productivity Increased

The development of frameworks is what consumes the most time. This is a major reason why developers are constantly at risk of losing productivity. To increase productivity, Angular developers must invest their time trying to figure out which function, utility or component can easily be edited so that a new structure of code can be created.

Angular code can be integrated with Typescript to allow for reusable coding. This IDE, along with other IDE’s like VS Code & WebStorm, allows you to identify errors early and debug & highlight them. All in all, early access to errors can reduce development time significantly and save money.

5. MVC Framework Architecture

Angular uses a component-based MVC architecture in contrast to other JavaScript frameworks used for mobile application development. Angular apps can look and feel like native apps with this architecture. This helps to speed up development and lower development costs.

6. Easy Data Organization

The presence of filters in any app development project helps to organize the stored data and allows for better control & precision. Developers who use AngularJS have access to a wide range of filters, such as Number & OrderBy. This is a great way to improve the performance of your app by delivering lots of data or making it easier to search.

7. Cheap Unit Testing

As every module has an application part, testing Angular Testing can be made easier and more straightforward. This principle of a one file-one program allows you to perform unit testing quickly and easily without worrying about what module to load next. The angular framework was created to simplify front-end development and is gaining momentum with front-end Angular developers.

8. Reduced Maintenance

Understanding how to maintain code is an essential aspect for developers. Angular focuses on testability. Dependency injection is the foundation of Angular. This simplifies testing and allows for fast coding speeds with the help of a protractor.

Maintenance for AngularJS Development Services is very simple. Just run an update command. The update is attached with any angular related packages for HTTP.

9. Feature-rich Functionality

The app’s initial usability is simple and easy. Developers can easily access the existing data. There are pre-configured libraries within the app that allow users to easily develop basic features without having to integrate any third-party software. Users can create web designs, and then test them in a secure and qualitative way.

AngularJS Implementation Domains

Over the years, a number of different apps use the Angular framework. Let’s look at some categories of apps where Angular can be useful.

# Travel & Location Apps

Angular is a powerful and dynamic tool that can be used to help you find your way around the world with location-finding apps & travel. Moreover, the Angular-built location-sensing, travel and navigation apps offer optimal performance.

# Chat & Real-Time Media Apps

You can make many media streaming apps with Angular in real time because of their high performance and the ability to send video material in a very short amount of time. AngularJS Development Services provide a fantastic option for chat-based applications that require data transfer in real time.

# Weather Apps

Many of the world’s most popular weather apps, including Weather.com use Angular. Angular is the perfect tool for this niche because it allows you to create interactive interfaces & stream real-time data. Further, for creating Weather apps, you can take expert help from an established AngularJS Development Company in USA, India, UK & other tech-trendy nations.

# Social Media Apps

Most popular and dynamic social media apps, such as LinkedIn use Angular. Angular is an ideal solution for such applications because it can handle quick updates, communication, large data, etc.

# Job Portal Apps

Angular is a popular tool for creating job portals such as Upwork & Freelancer.com. AngularJS allows you to make quick updates and it’s easy to use. Angular is a great choice for apps that needs frequent updating.

Top AngularJS Applications

Angular is being used by large applications as well as small-scale developers to build cross-browser-compatible applications. Here are some big names from the software industry who support AngularJS in achieving cross-browser compatibility.

a. Lego

Angular is the official website of one of the most important play material producers in the world. They specialize in interlocking brick-based toys and are also one of the largest manufacturers of toys. The Lego website can be viewed on any browser & is fully responsive.

b. PayPal

Paypal is one of the most popular Internet payment firms. It is used worldwide by users on mobile & desktop computers. The use of Angular can be used to create a compatible, secure, & responsive website that can handle large volumes of traffic without causing any issues.

c. Netflix

Gone is the time when you used to have to sit at the TV waiting for your favorite TV series or movies. It is becoming more and more popular to watch streaming media everywhere, at any time, on any device. Netflix is the biggest entertainment company that focuses exclusively on streaming media.

AngularJS Development Services power the entire desktop as well as the mobile app. Netflix users will be able to say that the site can effectively handle millions in internet traffic and still stream media for their viewers.

d. The Guardian

The Guardian is a major arena for publishing, design and sponsorship of many awards in the creative sector. AngularJS can create the user interface. All users love the application’s dynamic behavior and compatibility with different browsers and devices.

e. Freelancer

The largest platform for business owners and professionals to engage in collaboration and learn from each other’s needs. You can develop this online marketplace using the most recent version of Angular.

As you are now aware of AngularJS, you can start your app development now. But for maximum effectiveness of your projects, you must get in touch with a top-notch AngularJS Development Company in USA, India and more.

Last Say

AngularJS has been a favorite among developers for its ease of use & simplicity. This is especially important in light of the proliferation of marketing techniques that has made it more difficult to evaluate the value of products among stiff competition. To be successful, you must identify the right tool for your company, no matter how complex the task. AngularJS has many advantages and features that make it a clear winner.

To make yourself a tough competitor in the market, you can take the expertise from MobileCoderz, an established Mobile App Development Company. We, at MobileCoderz, with our in-depth knowledge of AngularJS Development, offer comprehensive, custom-tailored solutions catering to the precise needs of our clients & partners.

MobileCoderz has focused more on the creative side of Development consistently because of our experience delivering AngularJS solutions for various industries.

MobileCoderz also stresses innovation & customer-centricity more than anything else. In addition to its highly experienced team of developers, MobileCoderz further provides dedicated support to ensure quality, time delivery, and ROI for all levels of organizations.

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