What Are the Costs of Developing a Healthcare App Similar to Patient Access?

Did you know that the global healthcare app market might reach $311.98 billion by 2027? The latest health trends suggest the increasing demand for healthcare app development services. People now expect accessible and efficient healthcare services at their fingertips. 

A large mobile user base is the primary reason behind this exponential rise in demand. Patient Access, a popular healthcare application, is setting the benchmark for other businesses in the healthcare sector. However, only a few players can build fast, reliable, effective, and feature-rich mobile applications for their users. 

App development trends are opening new possibilities for existing practices and healthcare professionals. They can remotely consult patients, use, telemedicine features prescribe medication and even perform quick diagnoses. 

However, business owners are still confused about healthcare app development costs to build something like the Patient Access app. This blog is the perfect place to learn about healthcare app development services, health trends, cost of developing your application. 

A Quick Overview of the Healthcare Market

mhealth statstics

Some healthcare businesses might not be convinced about building a mobile app. However, they must take a look at the market overview of the healthcare industry. An estimate suggests that the mHealth app industry will grow at a pace of 40.2% CAGR between 2021 and 2030. 

The market may even touch $861.40 billion in this period. Innovative technologies like AI, Blockchain, and smart devices will support this astronomical growth. Many healthcare companies are already implementing AL and ML algorithms into their systems to enable predictive diagnosis and preventive care. 

A healthcare app development company with expertise in Artificial Intelligence will be necessary to implement these technologies into your application. The COVID-19 global pandemic also led to significant demand for mHealth apps and solutions for practices and patients. 

What is Healthcare App Development? 

It refers to the process of building health and well-being applications for healthcare businesses and their patients. These apps ensure smoother diagnosis and superior patient care. 

These applications allow professionals and patients to access various medical information and health facilities from their mobile devices. Healthcare app development services provide excellent support for existing EHR (Electronic Health Records), medical journeys, hospital services, and digitalized medical insurance processes. 

These applications must be user-friendly, secure, reliable, and efficient to support healthcare operations. You cannot trust a digital solution that is inaccurate or compromises your security. 

Compliance is a major concern for healthcare businesses when developing applications like Patient Access. To ensure a quality digital product, they should consider consulting a healthcare mobile app development company.

Why is Patient Access So Popular in the Healthcare Industry? 

Patient Access is a remarkable mHealth application that connects patients with relevant healthcare services. Many boast of it as an all-in-one solution for booking appointments, finding local healthcare services, or ordering medicines. The app is a benchmark of quality and refinements in healthcare app development services. 

It tremendously empowers patients to have great control over their medical care and patient journeys. The app has over 1 million downloads and a rating of 4.8 on Google PlayStore and the App Store. This innovative digital product is bridging the gap between patient and healthcare practices. 

Patients are evolving their patient care with easy access to NHS, health information, lab results, and prescription details. Users praise its user-friendly interface, strong security features, and a simple dashboard. It brings superior patient engagement and satisfaction with better patient outcomes. They can avail a doctor on demand without leaving the convenience of their home. 

Difference Between a Healthcare App and a Medical App 

We often use the terms’ healthcare apps’ and ‘medical apps’ interchangeably. However, there are subtle differences between the two. Health trends and app development are quite huge, with various applications for different target audiences and use cases.  

For instance, Mhealth is useful for medical practices and public health. It uses mobile devices, digital assistants, and IT in healthcare. 

Healthcare applications, on the other hand, help with human functioning without the need for scientific proof. They streamline the patient experience by providing better flexibility and convenience. 

Medical apps are common for self-diagnosis use cases. They are inexpensive approaches to tracking your health. However, their accuracy could be questionable in some cases. A medical app provides medical evidence and requires rigorous testing and adherence to regulation policies like HIPAA, PIPEDA, GDPR, and SOC-2. 

You need a trustworthy healthcare mobile app development company to develop a successful healthcare or medical application. However, we cannot fully expect them to replace doctor’s evaluations and diagnoses. 

Must Read: A Comprehensive Guide To Developing An On-Demand App

Patient Healthcare App Development Costs 


Multiple businesses are involved in the healthcare industry, in addition to doctors and practices. These businesses want a consistent presence across all devices. Cross-platform development frameworks help them ensure faster development time and the presence of every platform. 

However, the development cost mainly depends on the application category and use case. Let’s explore some common applications. 

Telemedicine App Development Cost 

It refers to applications that provide remote consultancy from healthcare professionals. Patients can access these applications to have virtual consultations/video calls, integrate wearables, and receive medicine at home. 

You can expect these features in a telemedicine app:

  • Patient Registration 
  • Video consultation 
  • Appointment scheduler 
  • IoT in healthcare 
  • Electronic health records 
  • Built-in dashboards 

The development cost could be somewhere between $30,000 to $150,000. However, the precise price depends on API integrations, features, 

Wellness App Development Cost 

People are more conscious about their health than ever before. Dieting and wellness apps have a huge market and demand. For example, Calm and Headspace are incredibly popular among people to track their mental health and harmony. 

Some applications even implement AI algorithms to send timely notifications that help users with their mental state. Depending on the feature set and the app’s capabilities, the development cost usually ranges between $30,000 and $120,000. 

Common features in wellness apps; 

  • Wellbeing 
  • Nutrition planning 
  • Meditation 
  • Fitness & Productivity 
  • Mental health exercises

Dieting App Development Cost 

Diet and nutrition are vital aspects of our health. People need efficient diet trackers and planners to control their daily diets. These applications provide on-the-spot health evaluations, leading to the increasing demand for dieting apps in the market. Numerous companies are trying to develop diet-tracking apps. 

Which features will you find in diet apps? 

  • IoT in healthcare
  • Diet trackers and schedulers 
  • Notifications and alerts
  • Analytics and reports 
  • Unified dashboards 

The average development cost ranges between $55,000 and $130,000. However, a basic MVP for a diet or nutrition app will cost around $30,000 to $60,000. A healthcare mobile app development company can give you a precise quotation. 

Fitness App Development Cost 

Do you even work out? Most people love to track their workout sessions with digital technology. It is one of the most popular health trends you should know about. These applications often work as training companions or virtual personal trainers to help users be accountable throughout their workout sessions. 

You can expect the following features from these fitness apps; 

  • Activity tracker 
  • Workout planner 
  • Personalized training 
  • Self-care section 
  • Educational resources 
  • Push notifications 
  • Multiple login options 

A basic fitness app will cost between $15,000 and $50,000. However, the price will increase if you include advanced features, API integrations, and multiple platform support. 

Professional Healthcare App Development Cost

 Professional Healthcare App Development Cost

Healthcare institutions and professionals also look for digital solutions to improve their productivity and reduce errors to ensure quality patient care. Considering the growing competition in the market, you should also implement such healthcare applications. 

These are different categories of mobile apps for healthcare professionals and practices;  

Medical Networking App Development Cost 

It is the most essential type of healthcare app. The COVID-19 global pandemic was a huge lesson for medical marketing and connections. You should also prioritize networking, communication, faster data utilization, etc. A standard medical networking app would cost you around $30,000 to $60,000. 

These are the common features of a medical networking app; 

  • Communication portal 
  • Advising section 
  • Journals  
  • News and updates 
  • Case studies 
  • Community forums 

Remote Monitoring App Development Cost 

Healthcare professionals often need to travel extensively to consult their patients. It might not be possible for every professional to physically visit their patients. Infectious diseases like Coronavirus and Tuberculosis pose a high threat of infection to medical professionals. 

They should consider remote monitoring apps and wearable devices to monitor individual patients’ health. These would help them collect valuable data remotely to ensure the patient’s health is on the correct path. You might need to spend between $50,000 and $100,000. 

Common features of remote monitoring apps; 

  • IoT in healthcare 
  • Responsive interface 
  • Geolocation 
  • Vitals monitoring 
  • Reporting and analytics 
  • Data security and privacy 

Database or EHRs App Development Cost 

Healthcare organizations must securely and confidentially handle a large number of medical records. They must also have reliable digital apps while complying with regulatory requirements. These apps provide a huge convenience for online and offline interaction between doctors and patients. 

Common features to expect from the EHR or database application; 

  • Administrative data 
  • Medical record management 
  • Demographic data insights 
  • Digital communication 
  • Medical collaboration 

These days, advanced solutions are also implementing Blockchain technology and automated workflows. Blockchain helps in efficiently storing and maintaining patient files via smart contracts. The development cost would be between $30,000 and $100,000. However, your choice of tech stack could impact the total cost. 

ePrescription (eRx) App Development Cost

These apps are becoming quite popular with the rise of telemedicine and mHealth apps. Physicians can use ePrescription apps to prescribe precise medicine dosages to their patients by sending them to pharmacies. 

The pharmaceutical stores can directly fetch the drug dosage and deliver the medicines to the patients’ doorsteps. 

You can expect features like; 

  • Advanced information viewability
  • Patient-specific reports
  • Physician’s note 
  • Customized interfaces 
  • Digital communication 
  • Analytics and Reporting

Which Factors Affect the Healthcare App Development Cost and Process? 

There’s no one fixed price to develop a healthcare app like Patient Access. Multiple factors can impact the app development cost. You must consider the factors for the app development process

UI/UX Design and Experience 

You cannot expect people to use your healthcare application without any trouble. An investment in the UI/UX is necessary to ensure higher user engagement. A highly interactive and visually attractive design requires more resources and development hours. 

You may prefer to stick to a basic design to save the development budget and put it somewhere else. 

Application Features and Complexity 

Your healthcare application’s more features and complexity demand more time and resources. For example, the budget will go up if you want to support wearables. 

Most basic apps feature appointment booking, e-prescription, profile creation, virtual consultancy, and other features. However, you’ll need to pay more to enable chatbots, AI-driven solutions, or electronic health record (EHR) management. 

Platform Support 

There are two dominant platforms in the market: iOS and Android. However, you must consider the variety of devices people use. Consider using cross-platform development frameworks to deploy your healthcare app on multiple platforms. 

Many businesses also prefer Flutter app development to save costs instead of developing native apps. A proficient development team must work on different devices with distinctive screen sizes, adding to the cost and complexity. 

Third-Party Integrations 

One shoe doesn’t fit all. You cannot use a ready-made solution to fulfill your specific use case. Healthcare apps often need third-party integrations and services, such as EHR systems, payment gateways, or telemedicine platforms. 

It requires additional development costs and licensing fees. You might want your healthcare app to connect with wearables or IoT devices for effective data collection. Integrations are often a necessity for healthcare businesses to ensure smoother workflows, superior patient care, and communication. You will need more resources to avail yourself of such incredible integrations.  

Healthcare Software Development Company 

Each mobile app development company offers different payment models. Geographic location and team size also greatly impact healthcare app development costs.

App development in the US, UK, or Australia costs a significant amount of money, and tech professionals in these regions have higher pay scales. 

Reaching developers in Asian countries can save your development budget. India is one of the best locations for affordable tech professionals. Consider an Indian healthcare app development company to significantly reduce your development budget. 

Security and Compliance Provisions 

Healthcare is a heavily regulated industry with so many laws like HIPAA, PIPEDA, GDPR, HL7, SOC-2, and PCI-DSS. Negligence and non-compliance will only lead to lawsuits and penalties. 

The cost of developing a healthcare app is likely to increase when you invest in robust security measures. Most healthcare companies take data encryption, user access levels, and multi-factor authentication seriously, and these security measures require additional development budgets and hours. 

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Healthcare App Development Process to Develop an App Like Patient Access 

The international telemedicine and mHealth markets are expanding rapidly. Healthcare businesses are not shy about enlisting the help of a trustworthy healthcare mobile app development company to develop quality solutions. 

However, building an app like Patient Access requires complex development. Each step ensures that the app meets the patients’ and healthcare providers’ requirements. We must understand the development process before building an app like Patient Access; 

Research and Planning Stage 

Every digital solution begins with planning and market research. Understand why you are developing the application, what problems it will resolve, and how it will work. 

The healthcare application must fulfill your business objectives. Otherwise, there’s no point in spending resources and time on healthcare app development. Competitor analysis is also necessary to learn about the essential app’s features and target audience. 

Consult a Healthcare Mobile App Development Company

You cannot possibly build a quality digital solution without technical and industry expertise. Reach a trustworthy mobile app development company to develop the applications and fulfill your business objectives. 

It is a more cost-efficient option than building the app with an in-house team. These teams often have years of experience developing different healthcare and medical solutions for multiple clients. You can use their expertise to develop world-class mobile apps in Flutter or React Native. 

Designing and Crafting the UI/UX 

The look and feel must be pristine to help the medical professionals and patients navigate through the application. Responsive design should be your first consideration to ensure a uniform experience across all devices and screen resolutions. 

The partner app development company will give you wireframes and prototypes to finalize the design. You have to put sufficient effort into making the UI/UX enticing, easy to use, and robust. 

Development Stage 

The actual development stage is the marriage between the healthcare application’s front-end and back-end. Ask the development team to use the appropriate tech stack to save time while integrating the necessary features. 

Quality Testing 

A healthcare application could be a lifesaver for some patients. You cannot leave rough edges, scope of inaccuracies, or errors in your final build. The development team must enforce rigorous testing procedures to ensure the highest quality healthcare application. 

They will either use automated or manual testing methods to spot glitches, bugs, and performance or security issues in the healthcare app. You can ask them to rectify the issues in the final build to ensure a spotless digital product. 

Deployment Stage 

The mobile app development team takes sufficient measures to ensure smooth deployment on different platforms. Each platform (iOS & Android) has specific guidelines that you must fulfill upon deployment. Build a strategic launch plan to create the buzz and hype for your mobile application to get instant downloads, signups, or subscriptions. 


We cannot entirely abandon the healthcare application even after deployment. Healthcare apps must keep up with industry regulations and user feedback to stay relevant. Ask the development team to provide constant updates and maintain the application to ensure its fluidity. 

Why You Should Consider Healthcare App Development Services? 

Don’t hand over your healthcare app development project to a novice team. You need someone experienced and proficient like MobileCoderz. We are a cutting-edge healthcare app development company with experience implementing and designing secure solutions. Our team is skillful in developing HIPAA-compliant and interactive mobile applications to empower healthcare businesses. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The price usually depends on the app’s tech stack, platform support, functionality, and development team. However, depending on its complexity, it might cost between $50,000 and $100,000.

Healthcare businesses in the US must adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 1996. Any mobile application in the healthcare sector should respect the patient’s privacy and data confidentiality. The HIPAA guidelines state the necessary data privacy, security, user experience, scalability, and performance criteria. 

Outsourcing your mobile app development project is the best solution to save money and time. They have enough experience to help you keep the costs under control throughout the development phase.

There could be some additional costs, such as licensing fees to use third-party integrations, maintenance, support, version upgrades, and compliance. You must consider these factors in the overall development budget.

The development time entirely depends on various factors, including the app’s complexity, features, security measures, technology stack, integrations, etc. Usually, it takes four months to 1 year to develop a fully functional healthcare mobile app.

You can take multiple approaches to monetizing the application, such as in-app ads, subscriptions, and one-time fees.

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